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RE: st: Re: grading

From   "Christopher W. Ryan" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Re: grading
Date   Tue, 10 Jun 2003 15:06:07 -0400

I understand your point about the ties.  But Kit's code produced this (I used 
pointsearned instead of score):  I think this would generate a lot more 

Any suggestions?


    | studen~d   points~d      gr   pc       grade |
  1. |     5555         90       .    1      Honors |
  2. |     1638        117       .    1      Honors |
  3. |     1637        154       .    1      Honors |
  4. |     1631        157     315    2      Honors |
  5. |     1620        201     263    2      Honors |
  6. |     1634        239     323    3      Honors |
  7. |     1635        241       .    3      Honors |
  8. |     1622        245     277    4   High Pass |
  9. |     1642        249       .    4   High Pass |
 10. |     1584        250     201    5   High Pass |
 11. |     1617        250     241    5   High Pass |
 12. |     1626        262     293    6   High Pass |
 13. |     1542        263     154    6   High Pass |
 14. |     1621        267     273    7   High Pass |
 15. |     1627        273     298    7   High Pass |
 16. |     1647        273       .    7   High Pass |
 17. |     1648        277       .    8        Fail |
 18. |     1623        277     279    8        Fail |
 19. |     1652        279       .    9        Fail |
 20. |     1649        282       .   10        Fail |
 21. |     1640        282       .   10        Fail |
 22. |     1618        283     249   11        Fail |
 23. |     1655        287       .   11        Fail |
 24. |     1632        291     316   11        Fail |
 25. |     1624        293   282.5   12        Fail |
 26. |     1643        293       .   12        Fail |
 27. |     1644        297       .   13        Fail |
 28. |     1625        298     291   13        Fail |
 29. |     1628        299     304   14        Fail |
 30. |     1653        304       .   14        Pass |
 31. |     1619        305     250   15        Pass |
 32. |     1629        305     305   15        Pass |
 33. |     1639        306       .   16        Pass |
 34. |     1658        309       .   16        Pass |
 35. |     1657        311       .   17        Pass |
 36. |     1641        315       .   17        Pass |
 37. |     1659        316       .   18        Pass |
 38. |     1645        316       .   18        Pass |
 39. |     1654        321       .   19        Pass |
 40. |     1630        323     309   19        Pass |
 41. |     1636        326       .   20        Pass |
 42. |     1656        333       .   20        Pass |

Christopher W. Ryan, MD
SUNY Upstate Medical University Clinical Campus at Binghamton
and Wilson Family Practice Residency
40 Arch Street, Johnson City, NY  13790
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"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the 
work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless 
sea."  [Antoine de St. Exupery]

On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 19:38:15 +0100, Nick Cox wrote:
>Christopher W. Ryan

>>Dangerous code.
>>This could give students different final grades
>>even though they got the same points earned,
>>because you could be splitting ties quite

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