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st: -slideplot- and -majority- packages on SSC

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: -slideplot- and -majority- packages on SSC
Date   Tue, 3 Jun 2003 20:06:28 +0100

Thanks to Kit Baum, new -slideplot- and -majority- 
packages are now available on SSC. Stata 8 is required
for both. As usual 

. ssc desc <pkgname> 

describes and 

. ssc inst <pkgname> 

installs <pkgname>. The first is unnecessary if you 
continue reading. 

-majority- is a special purpose tabulation 
routine for "majority" calculations for real or 
hypothetical elections. 

The "votes" cast are summarized as being "positive" or "negative"
and the difference between these is reported. There are two 
syntaxes. The first is for a long data structure in which votes 
are recorded in a single variable. The second is for a wide data 
structure in which votes are recorded in two or more variables. 

The help is fairly detailed, including bibliographic details. 
Similar ideas are also discussed at

The idea offers a very simple (and so far as I can tell 
neglected) handle for summarising graded data (binary or ordinal). 

-slideplot- offers an associated graph, a sliding bar plot showing 
frequencies or percents. The plot is most helpful for categorical 
variables that can be ordered naturally, at least approximately. 
The bar plot may be vertical or horizontal. Each bar is stacked
and each straddles zero. The frequencies or percents shown are 
plotted as positive or negative.  

A verbal description is no substitute for examples. At the 
recent London and Dublin Stata users' group meetings, 
I talked about various graphics programs for Stata 8 
and the overheads for that talk are now available at

As I write, materials representing some 13 user talks 
given at the London meeting may downloaded via

For those of you who didn't make London, that 
should be quite a good spread with something 
of real interest for, one hopes, everyone on the 

Kit Baum (again) is acknowledged warmly for his 
efforts in setting up that site. 

[email protected] 
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