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st: printing problems: Graph in Word

From   "Jonathan Kaplan" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: printing problems: Graph in Word
Date   Sat, 31 May 2003 19:07:35 +0200

Using Stata 8 latest update, with Win 98SE and XP and Word 2000:

I'm having problems printing Stata graphs after they have been inserted in a Word document.

Curiously the histogram looks correct when viewed in Word on the screen and in "show print", however when i print the Word document the histogram looks black- almost a negative with faint white lines and no legends. The graph is inserted in emf format.

I've updated the printer drivers for my two printers Lexmark E320( WIN98SE) and HP6P(WinXP), I've tried "print as graphics" and tried different graph preferences in Stata. The graphs prints correctly when printed directly from Stata.



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