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st: Re: Difficulty with -update-

From   [email protected] (Alan Riley)
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Difficulty with -update-
Date   Mon, 26 May 2003 12:17:46 -0500

Bryan Sayer ([email protected]) and Ronan Conroy ([email protected]) reported
difficulty updating Stata in the last couple of days:
> . update query
> (contacting
> could not be
> opened for read by copytextfile
> r(601);

Bryan is using Stata 8 under Windows 2000, and Ronan is using Stata 8
on OS X.

As far as we can tell, there is no wide-spread problem.  Others have
reported being able to -update query-, and I can as well from an
old Windows 98 computer at home via my cable modem.  We have received
a couple of other reports to Stata technical support, and are looking
into the issue.

The one thing that is interesting about the URL about which Stata is
reporting an error is that it is a CGI script returning 0 bytes.  The
problem may be with the connection timing out on a 0-byte read from
the web server.  We have modified Stata's web-aware code to not even
try to complete the transfer if the HTTP header reports that the
content length is 0 bytes.

We have not yet released this as an update, but it will be in the
next executable update.  This would prevent potential time-out errors
associated with 0-byte files.

Stata's technical support staff (when they return on Tuesday from the
Memorial Day holiday which is today in the U.S.) will contact Bryan
and Ronan to try to resolve the issue they are having.

([email protected])
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