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st: Mantel-Haenszel vs. clustered logistic - please help

From   Ricardo Ovaldia <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Mantel-Haenszel vs. clustered logistic - please help
Date   Fri, 23 May 2003 06:15:22 -0700 (PDT)

Dear all,

I am analyzing data from the 306 women at 4 outpatient
clinics in Oklahoma. Each woman was asked if they
performed monthly breast exams and other additional
data (covariates) such as race was collected. We would
like to characterize women according to these
covariates. I am concerned about the these women are
from different clinics and would like to take this
into account. 

My first though was to performed a logistic regression
clustering on clinic. But I later though to use a
stratified analysis and compute a Mantel-Haenszel odds
ratio. However, I get very deferent results from these
methods and I am confused on which to use. Here is an

nrace: 0=African American 1=Caucasian
breast-exam: 0=No 1=Yes

. mhodds   breast_exam nrace,by(clinic) 

Maximum likelihood estimate of the odds ratio
Comparing nrace==1 vs. nrace==0
by clinic

   clinic | Odds Ratio        chi2(1)         P>chi2  
    [95% Conf. Interval]
      CWC |   3.966102           7.27         0.0070  
      1.34348   11.70839
       FN |   0.000000           1.26         0.2621  
            .          .
  Freeway |   3.446154           4.76         0.0291  
      1.05511   11.25567
       MB |   2.153846           0.40         0.5286  
      0.18671   24.84655

    Mantel-Haenszel estimate controlling for clinic
     Odds Ratio    chi2(1)        P>chi2        [95%
Conf. Interval]
       2.937339       9.71        0.0018        
1.442772   5.980127

Test of homogeneity of ORs (approx): chi2(3)   =   
                                     Pr>chi2   = 

Clustered logistic:

. xi:logistic   breast_exam i.nrace,cluster(clinic) 
i.nrace           _Inrace_0-1         (naturally
coded; _Inrace_0 omitted)

Logistic regression                              
Number of obs   =        306
chi2(1)    =       2.00
> chi2     =     0.1578
Log pseudo-likelihood = -160.29912               
Pseudo R2       =     0.0186

                           (standard errors adjusted
for clustering on clinic)
             |               Robust
 breast_exam | Odds Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z| 
   [95% Conf. Interval]
   _Inrace_1 |   1.971711    .947687     1.41   0.158 
   .7686353    5.057856


The raw OR:           1.97  (1.10,3.54) p= 0.0138
Mantel-Haenszel OR:   2.94  (1.44,5.98) p= 0.0018
Cluster logistic OR:  1.97  (0.77,5.06) p= 0.158


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