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st: Re: Regression results formatted for publication

From   Roger Newson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Regression results formatted for publication
Date   Thu, 22 May 2003 21:33:11 +0100

At 13:15 22/05/03 -0400, Danielle H. Ferry wrote:
Roger, thank you so much! This is really great. I've been able to add
asterisks for significance and put regression coefficients & SEs, R2, N, and
lincom results for multiple regressions into a single data file.

One final question:
Is there an equivalent to -lincomest- for F-tests, i.e. for -test-?
There is no equivalent to -lincomest- for F-tests, because an F-test creates no estimates and standard errors (only F-statistics and P-values), and therefore cannot be wrapped up in an estimation-class command like -lincomest-. However, -test- (like -lrtest-) is a rclass command, and saves the P-value in a scalar called r(p) (see -[R] test- and -[R] lrtest-). You can easily access this value, and put it into a data set with only the P-value variable -p-, and -dsconcat- that data set with the -parmest- outputs. Or you might add r(p) to a -parmest- output data set as an extra variable. There are many possibilities. For further help on handling returned results, see on-line help for -return-, or the hardcopy manuals under -[R] saved results- or -[P] return-. A lot of helpful advice about saving results in Stata data sets can be found in the hardcopy programming manual under -[P] postfile-.

I hope this helps. By the way, as of today, there is a new improved version of -parmest- on my website, which you can find from within Stata by typing

net from

I have also sent the new version to Kit Baum, so it should soon be available on SSC as well.

Best wishes


Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
King's College London
5th Floor, Capital House
42 Weston Street
London SE1 3QD
United Kingdom

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