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st: Multiple criteria for selectivity

From   "Pablo Brassiolo" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Multiple criteria for selectivity
Date   Thu, 22 May 2003 15:30:03 +0000

Dear Statalisters,
I am working on the estimation of the earning equations for Argentina�s wage earners, considering the selection problem.
Considerations about high unemployment rate (20% of the labor force) lead me to use an extension of Heckman�s metodology. The likelihood of the individual�s reporting income is estimated from a bivariate probit considering both the individual�s decision to join the labor force as well as his likelihood of getting a job. So, up to here, I had estimated a two-stage selection model with heckprob command, and then I used the inverse Mill's Ratios to run OLS on the earning equation.
Now, I have to build a third selection rule, in order to consider wage eraners only, a subpopulation of the total employment (wage earners are around 70% out of total employment). How do I implement in STATA this third selection rule?
Thanks in advance for your answers

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