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st: RE: IV-Estimator for count dependent variable

From   "Millimet, Daniel" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: IV-Estimator for count dependent variable
Date   Wed, 21 May 2003 09:37:52 -0500

see the following:

Mullahy, J. 1997. "Instrumental-Variable Estimation of Count Data Models: Applications to Models of Cigarette smoking Behavior," Review of Economics and Statistics, 79, 586-593.

 Windmeijer, F.A.G. and J.M.C. Silva. 1997. "Endogeneity in Count Data Models: An Application to Demand for Health Care," Journal of Applied Econometrics, 12, 281-94.


In addition, check out Windmeijer's web page, where he has a short paper and GAUSS code posted called ExpEnd that estimates dyanmic FE count models analagous to ABond.




	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Paul Marschall [mailto:[email protected]] 
	Sent: Wed 5/21/2003 4:45 AM 
	To: [email protected] 
	Subject: st: IV-Estimator for count dependent variable 

	can anyone tell me, if there's an appropriate IV-estimator for count dependent variables, specially by using panel data? I've tried using xtivreg and xtabond, but I think, the results are rather biased.




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