Dear Stata listers,
I have a couple of questions on the hetprob command (I am using Stata 7). I would appreciate any help you could give me:
1) why can�t I use fitstat after running a model with hetprob? The model does not even report adjusted R2, so I have no indication of goodness of fit after it. Is there a way around this problem?
2) Is there a way to use a command like dprobit with a heteroskesdastic model? The alternative mfx compute takes forever to produce the marginal effects.
Thanks for your help!
Dr. Jos� Luis Negr�n
Investigador Econ�mico
Banco de M�xico
Direcci�n de Estudios Econ�micos, DGIE
Ave. 5 de Mayo # 18, 4o. piso, Secci�n C.
M�xico DF, 06059, M�xico
Tel. (52)5237-2558
Fax (52)5237-2687
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