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Re: st: insheet Q

From   Ernest Berkhout <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: insheet Q
Date   Wed, 14 May 2003 16:19:06 +0200

At 16:02 14-5-2003, you wrote:
hi statalist,

I'm having problems importing data into Stata.  My data is in excel,
(saved it as a *.raw file text format, tab delilimited).  when i use
insheet to import the data, most of the data get imported correctly, but
a few observations get dropped or changed.  Insheet is pretty
straightforward, and i can't figure out what is going wrong.  I have
about 30,000 observations, which is well under the 66,000 limit that
excel can handle, but it's too many to go through the data by hand to
manually correct the observations that are dropped.  And some of the
values are imported, but changed.

i tried reimporting the data, but which particular values are changed
pretty much random each time, so i can't predict where i'll need to fix
the data.

does anyone know if this is a bug, or if there is something special
that i need to do?
It might have to do with how your data are formatted in Excel, especially the first row. Your describtion is a little too vague for me to tell what the exact problem is, but you might try to import the data with just a simple copy-and-paste. Or maybe use a delimiter such as ; instead of tabs?

Ernest Berkhout
Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek
Universiteit van Amsterdam

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