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st: New packages/versions of -dolog-, -dotex- and -dologx- on SSC

From   Roger Newson <>
Subject   st: New packages/versions of -dolog-, -dotex- and -dologx- on SSC
Date   Mon, 12 May 2003 16:18:20 +0100

Dear All

Thanks to Kit Baum, there are now new versions of the -dolog- and -dotex- packages, and a new package -dologx-, downloadable from SSC. In Stata, type -ssc desc dolog-, -ssc desc dotex- and -ssc desc dologx- to find out more.

The -dolog- package executes a do-file named and echoes the commands automatically to a new text log file filename.log. The new version is upgraded from Stata 6 to Stata 7, and therefore has a better help file. Stata 6 users can still download the old Stata 6 -dolog- package from my website at

The -dotex- package is a version of -dolog-, which creates a Stata Journal (SJ) LaTeX log file filename.tex instead of a text log file. The user can then include filename.tex (or parts of it) in a SJ submission. The user can therefore use -dotex-, -dolog- and -do- to run the same do-file, creating a SJ LaTeX log, a text log, and no log, respectively. The new version is still Stata 7, but has a slightly improved help file.

The -dologx- package contains multiple versions of -dolog-, written in multiple versions of Stata, for executing certification scripts. Usually, a do-file should include a -version- statement at or near the top, so it will still execute in a similar way if the user runs it after the next Stata upgrade. Certification scripts are an exception to this rule, because the same certification script may be executed under multiple versions of Stata, to show that the package being certified still works in the same way under different Stata versions (Gould, 2001). Therefore, if a certification script is executed using -dolog-, then it will execute under the Stata version in which -dolog- is written. Therefore, a certification script should not be executed using the standard -dolog-, and the user should use the -dologx- package, using -dolog6- to execute the script under Stata 6, -dolog7- to execute the script under Stata 7, and -dolog8- to execute the script under Stata 8. The -dologx- package is distributed separately from the -dolog- package. This is because the -dologx- package is intended for use by advanced programmers (eg programmers who write certification scripts), and such advanced programmers will often have access to two versions of Stata at the same time while in transition from one version to another, and will therefore probably want to update their versions of -dologx- immediately when they start to have access to the new version of Stata, and to update their versions of the standard -dolog- later, when the transition is complete.

Best wishes



Gould, W. 2001. Statistical software certification. The Stata Journal 1: 29-50.

Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
King's College London
5th Floor, Capital House
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