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st: RE: RE: Signtest (statistics question)

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Signtest (statistics question)
Date   Mon, 12 May 2003 15:38:29 +0100

Tom Steichen

> Guillaume Frechette writes:
> > Dear Statalisters: I have two variables x1 and x2 for 
> > which I want to test the null hypothesis x1 = x2 (let's 
> > say 2 sided at the 10% level). I would normally use 
> > Signtest which I believe takes x = x1 - x2 and compares 
> > x to a binomial with mean 1/2. Thus, if you have 5 
> > observations, such that x can be written as the vector 
> > [1,2,3,4,5] you would reject the null. Now, add 1 million 
> > 0's to x and the Signtest (at least as it is implemented 
> > in Stata) would still reject the null. However, at an 
> > "intuitive" level, it seems to me that x1 and x2 are much 
> > more similar in the second case (with the million 
> > observations where they are exactly the same) than in the 
> > original case. My (very limited) understanding of the 
> > problem is that since the variables should be continuous, 
> > an x of 0 happens with zero probability. Is there a test 
> > which takes into account my "intuitive" understanding or 
> > is my intuition simply wrong? I apologize for the non-Stata 
> > question. Thanks in advance.
> The sign test is only interested in whether the
> ordering, by size, of the values within x1 and x2 are the
> same. Adding or multiplying by a constant does not change
> the ordering so the interpretation of the sign test is
> unchanged.
> You need to move to a parametric test, such as the t-test,
> if you wish the test to echo your intuition given a change
> of the type you propose.

It seems to me that Tom misses the point of the 
thought experiment here, which was adding extra 
observations, not transforming the existing

In any case, I don't quite agree with his
conclusion, as some other non-parametric procedures 
are possible for the problem. 

-ranksum- works quite well in this situation. A valuable 
adjunct, since an update to Stata 7 on Friday 13th [sic] 
April 2001, is the quantity calculated by the -porder- option. 

Cue Roger Newson, for an exordium on the 
merits of Somers' d... 

("Shall I compare thee to a Somers' d?" W. Shakespeare, 
Sonnets, modern reading)  

[email protected] 

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