Matias Barenstein
> Hello, I was wondering if there is a straightforward
> way to do the following. I have 40 years of data, and
> I want to graph the average of a variable by year. I
> was looking at the graphics manual, but it only seems
> that the bar graph allows for this. However, I would
> rather do a two-way table with dots (not a bar graph).
> Is there a simple way to do this?
> I suppose one can do it by creating a separate data
> set with the averages by year, but I was hoping there
> might be a simpler way without having to resort to
> that.
In Stata 7 or Stata 8, you can do this without creating
a data set.
egen mean = mean(whatever), by(year)
egen tag = tag(year)
<graphics_command> mean year if tag
I am not clear what a two-way table with dots is.
[email protected]
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