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st: graph syntax and smalldlg queries

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: graph syntax and smalldlg queries
Date   Sun, 11 May 2003 17:29:14 +0000

dear all,

couple of queries for which i would appreciate advice and help. w98se, stata v8, 04/16 update.

1. how do i produce a neat syntax like this one for e.g.:

. histogram volume, freq normal
xaxis(1 2)
ylabel(0(10)60, grid)
xlabel(12321 "mean"
9735 "-1 s.d."
14907 "+1 s.d."
7149 "-2 s.d."
17493 "+2 s.d."
20078 "+3 s.d."
22664 "+4 s.d."
, axis(2) grid gmax)
xtitle("", axis(2))
subtitle("S&P 500, January 2001 - December 2001")
note("Source: Yahoo!Finance and Commodity Systems, Inc.")

i have cut and pasted this from stata help. ordinarily, i would type all these continously so i end up with three continous lines on the command windows before pressing return to excute the command. i think there's something to be said about doing it neatly in that it makes what's to be graphed and spotting error easier. i have looked at the [G] and [U] but could find advice about this syntax (i used the word syntax for want of a better description). if this lay-out was just to make it nicer for the manual or on-line help then i would appreciate if someone could confirm the fact. if otoh, there's actually a way to make it nice and structured, would appreciate it too if someone could advice me how or where to look for the instructions.

2. having used stata7 before, i got used to entering commands rather than using the pull-down dialog boxes. but in the spirit of curiousity i decided to explore the dialogs. well, the first thing i encountered in clicking on the graphics -> histogram was the error msg: insufficient memory to load dialog. so i checked -help smalldlg-, close all other running apps except for stata8 and tried again. same error msg. so then i -set smalldlg on- then some kind of dialog interface appears and the histogram function worked. not knowing what the full version of the dialog box is, i can't compare how 'watered down' is the small dialog box. is this a bug or am i not doing something right?

thanks for advice and help.


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