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Re: st: Help -- Having Difficulty Updating STATA Under Mac OS X

From   [email protected]
To   "Stata Listserve" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Help -- Having Difficulty Updating STATA Under Mac OS X
Date   Mon, 05 May 2003 13:20:26 -0500

> I hope that someone from this list can help me.  This issue is really
> starting to get old for me.  I have just tried to update my exe file
> but the system will not do it -- I keep getting an error message.  The
> usual drill is for me to erase the entire STATA file and to reinstall

The problem with -update swap- on the Macintosh in the past has been a bug in
Apple's implementation of the function rename().  Our fix has been to write
our own rename but you will not see the fix unless you update to a copy that
has the fix.  If you install from a CD and immediately update, you will still
have a problem with -update swap- (assuming you have one because not everyone
does) because the executable you're using does not have the fix.

Assuming that the swap didn't work, renaming the file manually does not always
work because OS X sometimes gets completely confused about what file is what.
For example, I once downloaded a file, moved an earlier copy to the trash,
renamed the new file to the old filename and tried to launch the new file.
The file would not launch.  In the console, I could see the OS outputting
messages that it could not launch the file from the trash EVEN THOUGH I WAS
DOUBLE-CLICKING ON THE FILE IN THE FINDER.  I had to move the file to the
trash and empty it before downloading the file again.

Someone else theorized that the problem may be with StuffIt perhaps trying to
decode the binary file that was downloaded.  This was also one of our theories
initially but we were able to disprove it through some tests.  Also, we have
StuffIt installed on our systems here yet we've never had problems with
-update swap-.

If you ever have a problem where you cannot recover the Stata application, it
is not necessary to reinstall from the CD.  You can simply download the latest
update from our web site using your browser.

-Chinh Nguyen
 [email protected]
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