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Re: st: simple Stata 8 / Mac OS question

From   Bill Rising <[email protected]>
To   "Stata Listserve" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: simple Stata 8 / Mac OS question
Date   Fri, 2 May 2003 17:45:41 -0400

On 5/2/03 16:59, Richard Sherman wrote

>Hello all,
>I am simultaneously switching from Stata 6 to Stata 8 and from Windows to
>Mac, and, well, I have a lot of questions.  I will try to exhaust the
>alternatives before posting questions to the list, but please bear with me
>if I become exhausted before the alternatives do.  Here is a simple one,
>surely somewhere in the manual, but as yet undiscovered by me:
>The Command window disappears:  when I switch from Stata (with the Command
>window open) to another program, and then back to Stata, the Command window
>is hiding behind whatever I just switched from.  Since Stata with no
>command window is roughly equivalent to a computer without a keyboard, this
>behavior is pretty exasperating.  How do I change it to make the Command
>window always appear with Stata?

If you switch back and forth between applications by using cmd-tab (cmd = 
command = clover-leaf = apple key), all of Stata's windows come to the 
front at once.

You might want to try out LiteSwitch from Proteron software. It is a much 
nicer application switcher than command-tab, since you can configure it 
to work with, say, both command-tab and, say, control-return (which is 
nice if you use your mouse with your left hand).

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