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st: problems with using ineqdeco to calculate inequality measures

From   "Emma Samman" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: problems with using ineqdeco to calculate inequality measures
Date   Wed, 30 Apr 2003 11:22:29 +0100

I wondered if any ineqdeco users could help with the following problems:

I have some large household survey-based datasets (about 55,000
observations unweighted, 5 million weighted). These data are broken down
into 52 subgroups, and designed to be representative at the level of
each subgroup.

When running ineqdeco 2 unexpected things occur:

1. it refuses to calculate General Entropy measures for the dataset
taken as a whole (though it does so for between and within group
components).  When I don't specify any decomposition, it still will not
calculate measures for dataset as a whole (though inequal7, for
instance, will).

2. it leaves out several subgroups in carrying out the decompositions -
(about 15 to 17, depending on the dataset used) - and I can't seem to
find any systematic reason for this (the sizes of the subgroups omitted
are equal to those included weighted or unweighted). The same problem
occurs when the program is run with and without weights.

I would be very grateful for any advice.

Thank you very much in advance.

Best wishes,
Emma Samman

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