For those very few OS X Stata users who also use Data Desk for EDA
purposes (I seem to also remember someone saying they enjoyed used a
combination of JMP and Stata), there is now a working (carbon) beta for
OS X (simply a port or DD v6) at the Data Desk site.
Impatient with lack of a new Data Desk I purchased Stata, on my own
account, earlier this year. I am delighted with its power, speed[not
graphics], documentation and the commentary on this list. However, I
have downloaded the OS X version of DD because it still allows me
almost instantaneous graphing for consideration of the data before I
commit my rather less-than-professorial statistical knowledge to the
task. DD's graphs are not publication quality but they are quick, easy,
and lie around in multiple windows as desired, while selection of data
point(s) in one window highlights the same points in others. Perhaps
this is a direction Stata will not go but I would love to have that EDA
interface as a direct adjunct to Stata's wonderful capability. So, I
just open data sets in both.