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Re: st: Case-cohort study

From   Joseph Coveney <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Case-cohort study
Date   Wed, 23 Apr 2003 23:47:51 +0900

Jonathan Golub asked about how to perform logistic regression of a set of data 
apparently gathered in a case-control study as if it came from a cohort study.

---------------------------begin excerpt----------------------------------------

I have analyzed my dataset as a case-control study (via logistic 
regression), and I am now interested in analyzing it as a case-cohort 
study.  . . . Please tell me how it is possible to set my data so that 
it can be analyzed as a case-cohort design, via logistic regression.  
The problem I am having is that in order to use the entire population  
(including cases) as my controls I need to define a case-control 
variable that equals 1 for case and 0 for control, but all cases are 
also controls.

-----------------------------end excerpt----------------------------------------

I'm no epidemiologist, but given my albeit limited understanding of the conditioning of 
the selection of cases and controls in a case-control study verus that in a typical cohort 
study, I'm not so sure that what Jonathan wants to do can be done legitimately.  Others 
with greater insight can comment on the following compromise proposal, but perhaps 
Jonathan could independently determine the malady's prevalence in the entire 
population and then randomly select from the cases and controls in the dataset in 
proportion to the prevalence.

Joseph Coveney

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