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Re: st: one/two-site competitive binding ado

From   Joseph Coveney <>
To   Statalist <>
Subject   Re: st: one/two-site competitive binding ado
Date   Tue, 22 Apr 2003 02:32:20 +0900

David Airey was asking about the ability of Stata to implement nonlinear curve fitting for 
selected nonlinear functions of interest to pharmacologists.  I had posted that Stata has 
-nl- and -ml- that would be helpful in this regard, and that -ml- has certain advantages, 
for example, the -cluster()- option.  He replied,

-------------------------begin excerpt from post---------------------------------

Thanks for this information. I'll likely give one of these equations a 
whirl to compare results. Others in the lab uses Motulsky's GraphPad 
prism because it's easy to use and the documentation is well done if 
full of typos. Be nice to have extended capabilities present in Stata 
that are not present in Prism.

 From what I can tell, Prism 3.0 has several built in (and modifiable) 
classic equations, such as:

1. one site binding (hyperbola)

Y = Bmax * X
     Kd + X

two site binding

Y = Bmax1 * X   Bmax2 * X
     --------- + ---------
     Kd1 + X     Kd2 + X

2. sigmoidal dose-response

              (top - bottom)
Y = bottom + --------------------
              1 + 10^(logEC50 - X)

3. sigmoidal dose-response (variable slope)

              (top - bottom)
Y = bottom + ------------------------------
              1 + 10^(logEC50 - X)*hillslope

4. one site competition

              (top - bottom)
Y = bottom + --------------------
              1 + 10^(X - logEC50)

5. two site competition
                                fraction_1              1 - fraction_1
Y = bottom + (top - bottom) *( --------------------- + -------------------- )
                                1 + 10^(X-logEC50_1)    1 + 10^(X-logEC50_2)

and a few others:

6. boltzmann sigmoid

7. one phase exponential decay

8. two phase exponential decay

9. one phase exponential association

10. two phase exponential association

11. exponential growth

12. power series

13. polynomial equations

-------------------------end excerpt from post----------------------------------

A couple of items from the list, for example, the exponential decay and association 
functions (Nos. 7 through 11), might already be programmed for -nl-; there is a suite of 
exponential functions for -nl- that ship with Stata.  It looks as if all of the functions 
through Number 11 would be easy to implement with -nl- if they're not already 
available.  The last two, I believe, are currently implemented or served in various ways 
in Stata, for example, in -boxcox-, -fracpoly-, -boxtid- and -bspline-.

In case it helps to illustrate the use of -ml- for these kinds of problems, I've 
programmed the first two from the list (one-site and two-site Langmuir adsorption 
isotherms) and attached them below in a do-file.  The illustrations below use artificial 
datasets for a problem set exercise in a biochemistry course taught by Richard Neubig 
at the University of Michigan.  They can be found as the first two hits from Google 
searching using keywords, *neubig* and *550*.  (The URLs are each too long to include 
either on a single line here.)

If there is an interest in implementing nonlinear regression items from the list above 
using -ml-, good references for the exercise are:

1.  help for -ml-,

2.  Section 3.4 "Nonlinear specifications" in W. Gould & W. Sribney, _Maximum 
Likelihood Estimation in Stata_ (College Station, Texas:  Stata Press, 1999), pp. 44-45 
[note that there's a typographical error in the code shown on Page 45--a right 
parenthesis is missing in each case], and

3.  Chapter 13. "Maximum likelihood estimation" in S. Rabe-Hesketh & B. Everitt, _A 
Handbook of Statistical Analyses usng Stata_, Second Edition. (Boca Raton, Florida:  
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2000), esp. pp. 181-82.

Joseph Coveney


/* estimating receptor binding parameters at equilibrium;
   one binding site
   variables are fre (free ligand), tbn (total
   binding), nsb (nonspecific binding) and nbi
   (net or specific binding) */
set more off
input long fre int tbn int nsb
5000 325 25
10000 550 50
20000 900 100
50000 1300 200
100000 1700 400
200000 2200 800
500000 3200 1600
/* conversion from cpm to femtomoles */
foreach var of varlist _all {
    replace `var' = `var' / 0.331 / 2.22 / 136
generate float nbi = tbn - nsb
program define mlonesite
    args lnf theta1 theta2 theta3
    tempvar res
    quietly generate double `res' = $ML_y1 - /*
      */ fre * `theta1'/ (`theta2' + fre)
    quietly replace `lnf' = -0.5 * ln(2*_pi) - /*
      */ ln(`theta3') - 0.5 * `res'^2 / `theta3'^2
ml model lf mlonesite (Bmax:nbi=) (Kd:) (sigma:)
ml check
ml search
ml maximize, difficult
/* two binding sites
   variables are fre (free ligand) and nbi
   (net or specific binding) */
input float fre float nbi
0.25 12.4
0.50 21.4
0.75 28.4
1.0 34.1
1.5 43
2.0 50
3.0 61
5.0 75
10 96
15 107
20 114
25 120
aformat _all
program define mltwosite
    args lnf theta1 theta2 theta3 theta4 theta5
    tempvar res
    quietly generate double `res' = /*
      */ $ML_y1 - ( fre * `theta1'/ (`theta2' + fre) + /*
      */ fre * `theta3' / (`theta4' + fre) )
    quietly replace `lnf' = -0.5 * ln(2*_pi) - /*
      */ ln(`theta5') - 0.5 * `res'^2 / `theta5'^2
ml model lf mltwosite (Bmax1:nbi=) (Kd1:) (Bmax2:) (Kd2:) (sigma:)
ml check
ml search
ml maximize, difficult


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