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st: RE: generate obs. according to some distribution

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: generate obs. according to some distribution
Date   Thu, 17 Apr 2003 22:33:25 +0100

Moon Joong
> I'm trying to generate a variable with obs. that takes
> certain vlues
> according to some distribution. I was wondering if anyone know any
> code/method to make the work easier and faster (since I
> have a lot). The
> example is following:
> Let's say there are two variables - scale (that has certain
> values) and rate
> (rates corresponding to the values of scale that adds up
> 100%) - with 5
> observation.
> scale       rate
> 1           .3
> 2           .05
> 3           .2
> 4           .15
> 5           .3
> Now I want to generate and create a variable with, say, 100
> observations
> that contain the values of scale (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, or, 5)
> according to the
> distribution of rate.
> All I know is to do like this:
> gen sum = sum(rate);
> list sum;
> sum
> .3
> .35
> .55
> .7
> 1
> gen scale2 = 1 in 1/30;
> replace scale2 = 2 in 31/35;
> replace scale2 = 3 in 36/55;
> replace scale2 = 4 in 56/70;
> replace scale2 = 5 in 71/100;
> And then I can get the variable called "scale2" that have
> 100 observation
> with values of scale according to the distribution of rate.
> But since I have a lot of variables to create like that and
> the actual scale
> takes more than 5 values, it takes really long time.
> Please let me know anyone know any easier way than the above method.

expand 100 * rate

or (slightly safer, perhaps)

expand round(100 * rate,1)

[email protected]

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