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st: RE: date functions

From   "Huiber Gabi (nat1gxh)" <>
Subject   st: RE: date functions
Date   Wed, 16 Apr 2003 16:02:15 -0400

I get my date variables in the format "mm/dd/yy 00:00:00" because they
include a default exact time in hours:minutes:seconds. I turn them into
Stata elapsed date format as follows:
rename mydate t
gen q=index(t," ")
gen str12 dateq=trim(substr(t,1,q))
** the line above will keep only the mm/dd/yy part of the original mydate

gen mydate=date(dateq,"md20y")

This assumes that there are no dates earlier than 2000. You can always
adjust for that. One way would be:
gen x=year(mydate)
replace mydate=date(dateq,"md19y") if x>2003

drop q t dateq x
If there is an easier way, I'm curious.

-----Original Message-----
From: Higdon, Keith M. []
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:43 PM
Subject: st: date functions

Is there a way to use the gen edate function to transform numerous date
fields into elapsed dates with different variable names?  Thank you.




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