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st: Stata 8 and Mac OS X

From   "Jeremy T. Fox" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Stata 8 and Mac OS X
Date   Fri, 11 Apr 2003 05:21:15 -0700

I performed an analysis of this question in the email "Memory Truths by OS" about a week ago. Search for it in the archives.

But, the bottom line is that in practice you can get 2100M on set memory, 900M on set matsize, and you can easily max out set maxvar. This situation is actually much, much better than the Wintel platform, for reasons explained in this Stata FAQ:

The bottom line is that Stata requires contiguous memory spaces, so the total address size of any application is not the only criteria, but even there Mac OS X wins, as its total space is around 3.5G.

The answers will start to change with the April 22 release of 64-bit Linux for the AMD Opteron processors, and the expected fall releases of Windows XP 64-bit Edition for the AMD64 architecture, and 64-bit Mac OS 10.3 Panther for the IBM PowerPC 970 chips.
However, I do not have the inside knowledge of these new products to predict how much contiguous memory will be available to a 32 bit program like Stata on them.


On Thursday, April 10, 2003, at 11:33 PM, statalist-digest wrote:

What is the memory limitation with Stata 8 and Mac OS X?

Is there a 2GB limitation like the one with the Wintel platform?

Thanks for any help that can be provided with respect to this question.
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