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Re: st: text editors

From   Reka Sundaram-Stukel <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: text editors
Date   Thu, 10 Apr 2003 07:06:12 -0500

I agree with the ESS opinion. I have been very excited so far with what
I have seen of it. My problem stems from the fact that when I try M-x Stata RET,
Stata does not start to execute as an inferior process. I am using Stata 8, for
OS X, and I think the problem is I am not able to start it as a console version.

I was hoping that there was a Stata startup option to disable the GUI and start
with just the command line. I think it would then work with ESS. I know that if
I just type Stata at the UNIX prompt on a OS X terminal, the gui pops up and I
imagine this is why ESS and Emacs is having trouble with it. Does anyone know
how I can get Stata 8 on OS X to startup without the gui?


On Thursday, April 10, 2003, at 06:45 AM, Philippe Glaziou wrote:

A.J. Rossini <[email protected]> wrote:
Philippe Glaziou <[email protected]> writes:
Hope this helps. I know that many statalist members have
much more expertise than me on the ESS modes.
That was a great description, Philippe.  I wrote the thing
(ESS, and ESS's Stata mode), but I have to admit, I've not
actually used it in over a year or two, sigh...
Thanks Tony. I am sorry that I did not notice that you were
the writer of the ESS code. A very nice package.

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Reka Sundaram-Stukel
Agriculture And Applied Economics
320 Taylor Hall

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