Ronnie Babigumira
> Hi (stata8, win2k)
> I have 3 variables p1 p2 p3. I need to generate a new variable pred
> "pred" ==
> 1 if p1 is the largest of the 3,
> 2 if p2 is the largest
> and 3 if p3 is the largest
> Any elegant ideas (thats all I seem to get from the list
> and for that I am
> forever grateful)
None of these is very elegant.
gen pred = 1
replace pred = 2 if p2 == max(p1,p2,p3)
replace pred = 3 if p3 == max(p1,p2,p3)
gen pred = .
forval i = 1/3 {
replace pred = `i' if p`i' == max(p1,p2,p3)
gen id = _n
reshape long p, i(id)
bysort id (p) : gen pred = _j[_N]
reshape wide
Are you worried about ties?
[email protected]
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