Joseph Coveney
> ann e fitzmaurice posted:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> i have been asked by a colleague if it is possible to do
> 'best subsets' modelling in
> logistic regression
> my question is therefore - can this be achieved in stata
> and how is it achieved
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> There is a textbook example of Stata performing best
> subsets logistic regression at
> htm#heading4
> I'm not sure how best subsets modeling differs in principle
> from stepwise regression, but
> there are some programs that might be helpful to take a
> look at and that might help
> automate the process, for example, Stata's official -sw-.
> Also, take a look at Nick Cox's
> -allpossible- / -glmcorr-. Although Al Feiveson's -tryem-
> is written for linear regression,
> examining the ado-file for it might give some ideas for
> writing analogous code for
> logistic regression.
I'd add a reference to Frank Harrell's text
"Regression modeling strategies" (Springer,
New York, 2001) which puts in print at pp.56ff
a list, which has been floating around for some years,
of objections to stepwise regression. One earlier
version is quoted on the Stata website in an FAQ.
Having said that, -selectvars- on SSC is another
tool relevant to this problem.
One of the uses of -allpossible- is to make it
clear that often many models appear about
equal in performance. This is quite different
from any attempt to automate the selection
of one model from among the possibilities.
[email protected]
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