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st: RE: list to word

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: list to word
Date   Sun, 6 Apr 2003 12:19:26 +0100

Boylan, Richard
> I use outreg to make tables in word from regression output. 
>  I was wondering if someone had suggestions
> on how to make tables from the output of the stata command 
> 'list.'  (For instance, how to make sure that the value 
> labels for the columns show up, and how to copy the numbers 
> in a word table.) 

I believe that you are here referring to MS Word. 

I haven't tried this much, in fact much more than once, but 
this looked OK to me, assuming that now or previously 
you have installed -log2html-:  

. ssc inst log2html 

Create a .smcl log of your list, translate 
to HTML and read into Word. 

. sysuse auto 
. log using april6.smcl 
. list make foreign mpg 
. log close
. log2html april6.smcl 

Open MS Word; read in april6.html. 

Value labels are used in -list- by default. It 
takes the -nolabel- option to turn them off. 

[email protected] 

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