> Does anyone know of a CART-type package for Stata.
CART -- usually I think regarded as an abbreviation of
Classication and Regression Trees, after the monograph
by Breiman, Friedman, Olshen and Stone -- has been requested
several times as an addition to official Stata, including
at the NASUG meeting in Boston on March 17. The Stata
Corp response is in essence "We'll think about it".
Some listers might be interested in the commercial package called "CART"
and sold by Salford Systems at a reasonable cost. It has been the major
CART package for almost 2 decades. Recently, CART has been seen as a "data
mining" tool by Salford systems. This has led to increases in prices to
levels in excess of thousands of dollars for new purchases as well as to
timed licenses. The next most convenient approach to CART is through S-plus.