thanks daniel,
actually i figured out an, admittedly ugly, method which works for me.
should anyone need it, here it is:
set obs 613; *i.e. the number of variables you have;
gen str1 variable = "";
gen str1 type = "";
gen str1 label = "";
local vlist "_all";
local i = 1;
foreach var of varlist `vlist' {;
replace variable = `"`var'"' if _n == `i';
local typ: type `var';
replace type = `"`typ'"' if _n == `i';
local lab: variable label `var';
replace label = `"`lab'"' if _n == `i';
local i = `i' + 1;
list variable type label if variable ~= "";
the output of this code doesn't have wrapped lines, so excel reads it just
radu ban
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, [iso-8859-1] Daniel M�ller wrote:
> > i want to have a description file for my dataset (i.e.
> > names, types, labels).
> >
> > so i used -desc-, logged the output, saved as a text file
> > and opened it in excel. while excel did recognize that the text is
> > formatted as a table, some of the label names were too long and they
> > occupied more than one line.
> >
> > is there a way to make sure that the output of -desc-
> > is displayed such that each variable occupies only one row?
> I think -findit descsave- might do what you want (though I never tried it).
> Daniel
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