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st: RE: l. on st. (language on statalist)

From   "Wallace, John" <>
To   "''" <>
Subject   st: RE: l. on st. (language on statalist)
Date   Mon, 31 Mar 2003 14:57:02 -0800

Perhaps the original Latin has been forgotten: exempli gratia 

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Sieswerda [] 
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 2:21 PM
To: ''
Subject: st: l. on st. (language on statalist)

A bit of Monday afternoon pedantry:
Is there some strange new bit of language showing up on Statalist? Both
Jesper Sorensen and Per Ivar Kaaresen have used "f.ex.". It has taken me
most of the day to figure out that it is meant to signify "for example. I
was thrown by Per's phrase "observed f.ex. mortality". I thought it was some
disease I'd never heard of!  "f.ex." is not in my dictionary of acronyms. Is
there something wrong with the time-honoured, well-known, and trans-lingual,
e.g. ?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent:	Monday, March 31, 2003 2:44 PM
> To:
> Subject:	Re: st: desgin effects, weights, and cox proportional hazard
> models
> discrete-time eha models can handle right-censoring fine -- see, 
> f.ex., Paul Allison's Sage book on event-history for a discussion.  So 

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