From | Kaleb Michaud <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: RE: Determining the eigenvectors from a matrix |
Date | Thu, 27 Mar 2003 14:05:54 -0600 |
> I have a matrix, I can get the eigenvalues from the matrix eigenvalue
> command, but I am unsure how to get the eigenvectors. Now,
> from what I remember of linear algebra, I can always do this by hand
> and solve for the n values of each eigenvector per eigenvalue, I just didn't
> want to have to create a laborious Stata program that did the same thing
> (solving for multiple unknowns with multiple equations). The only
> mention of the word eigenvectors in Stata are with pca and factor and that is
> for variables only (and these are not correlation/covariate matrices so I
> can't imagine corr2data plus pca would work).
> If there's an easy solution that I've missed, please
> forgive me, but I do appreciate your attention and help.
For the symmetric matrix case, see
help matsym
[email protected]
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