Assuming your original variable is x:
. generate runprod = x in 1
. replace runprod = runprod[_n-1]*x in 2/l
The generate statement puts the first value in the first observation of runprod.
Then the replace takes advantage of the fact that replace works its way through the data from beginning to end, and for each observation starting with the second, takes the prior running product, multiplies by the current x, and puts the result in the current running product.
(Note that the final character in the "in 2/l" in the replace statement is the letter "el", for last, not the number one.
Nick Winter
Nicholas Winter, Ph.D. P 202.939.5343
Policy Studies Associates F 202.939.5732
1718 Connecticut Avenue, NW [email protected]
Washington, DC 20009-1148
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alessandra Franzosi [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 1:09 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: running product
> How is it possible to generate in Stata a new variable that
> is the running product of another one?
> Thanks a lot
> Alessandra
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