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st: Adding an editor to your menu system (Jaguar)

From   "Danielle H. Ferry" <[email protected]>
To   StataList <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Adding an editor to your menu system (Jaguar)
Date   Wed, 26 Mar 2003 12:48:19 -0500

Having read the link provided below by Nick Cox, I am slightly confused.
There is an entry for "Adding an editor to your menu system" which says to
add the following line to (w/ adjustments for your system, of

qui window menu append string "Edit" "&P Pfe" "winexec \program

Can you use a similar statement on Mac OS X (Jaguar)? If so, what would
replace "winexec" in this statement?

My confusion arises b/c under the Macintosh Editors section, it says:

Unfortunately, the Stata commands that permit you to communicate with the
operating system (i.e., shell, xshell and winexec) are not available on the
Macintosh. Thus, in order to switch to an external editor easily from within
Stata, you must use one of the many third-party utilities that permit you to
launch an application using a particular combination of keystrokes.

I am afraid I am not tech-savvy enough to understand if this is referring to
the same capability. As I understand it, the addition to above
would enable the user to launch the selected text editor from w/in Stata.
Here, it appears this is not possible on a Mac. Have I understood this

When would I use the suggested script:
tell application "Stata"
     open file myfile
end tell

Thanks for any input.

Danielle H. Ferry
National Bureau of Economic Research
365 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10016

On 3/26/03 11:11 AM, "Nick Cox" <[email protected]> wrote:

> Thanks to Kit Baum, the FAQ at
> has been updated: there is a new entry on SlickEdit
> (thanks to John Kalat) and an revision on UltraEdit
> (thanks to Devra Golbe, Timothy Wade).

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