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st: Filling upper triangle of a symetric matrix

From   "Ronnie Babigumira" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Filling upper triangle of a symetric matrix
Date   Wed, 26 Mar 2003 16:43:00 +0100

Dear listers
(Stata 8, win 2K) I have a correlation matrix in excel (I dont have the data
from which it was obtained) and I would like to perform factor analysis on
this matrix. This is possible if by using corr2data, I generate the
underlying data and then I can perform the factor analysis.

Here is my correlation matrix
Corr Matrix
0.439	1
0.41	0.351	1
0.288	0.354	0.164	1
0.329	0.32	0.19	0.595	1
0.248	0.329	0.181	0.47	0.464	1

If I try to read this in stata (using insheet), I get 6 new variables with
missing cases

  |   v1     v2     v3     v4     v5   v6 |
  |    1      .      .      .      .    . |
  | .439      1      .      .      .    . |
  |  .41   .351      1      .      .    . |
  | .288   .354   .164      1      .    . |
  | .329    .32    .19   .595      1    . |
  | .248   .329   .181    .47   .464    1 |
I then convert this into a matrix using mkmat and I get

          1          .          .          .          .          .
  .43900001          1          .          .          .          .
        .41  .35100001          1          .          .          .
  .28799999       .354       .164          1          .          .
       .329  .31999999        .19  .59500003          1          .
       .248       .329  .18099999        .47  .46399999          1

Question. How can I tell stata that this is a symetric matrix and fill in
the missing ijs with the corresponding ji values? (or, how can I do this in


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