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[no subject]

On a different note, I have discovered that the -clear- command,
whether buried within an .ado file or entered from the keyboard,
will close any open dialog boxes and will depopulate all populated 
fields in every active user dialog box (i.e., ones that have been 
invoked and populated during the current Stata session).  Even if 
the -clear- is between a -preserve- and -restore- pair of commands, 
dialogs are not repopulated and the current dialog is not restored
to the screen.  

I have a question in to StataCorp on whether this was the intended
behavior (and I will report the response when I get one), but you
should consider this issue if your populated / active dialogs
suddenly depopulate or your current dialog disappears.

Tom Steichen 

> I have been experimenting with a simple dialog (.dlg) 
> and have been able to get it to work.  I also have 
> been able to add it to the USER menu, though it always
> goes away when I leave Stata then restart it.  One 
> solution is to put the menu installation commands into
> my  Is there any other way to permanently
> (at least until I want it removed) install a menu item
> on the USER menu?
> I've looked in the manuals... looked in the FAQ's,
> searched the Statalist archives, etc. with no clear
> answer found.
> Tom Steichen

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