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st: m.p. --> listers

From   Guy van Melle <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: m.p. --> listers
Date   Tue, 04 Mar 2003 15:59:41 +0100

thanks marcello

At 09:30 04.03.2003 -0500, you wrote:
Dear Listers,

We pride ourselves in belonging to a list that has maintained
a high level of informativeness and camaraderie.  This is due
in no small part to the politeness exhibited on the list. Of
late we have had a couple of outbursts.  They really have been
unnecessary, in my opinion. The latest, an attack on Nick Cox
of all people, Nick who has answered and helped who knows
how many, and taught all of us for a large number of years,
on the face of it, displays a silly and arrogant ignorance.
And all this because of a non-coddling answer but one which
is directing us to the manuals where the exact question is
answered, points out the selfishness of the poster.

Please remember, this is a free list.  As such, its existence
is based on the goodwill of individuals who are freely willing
to give of their time to help others.  Before you go asking for
anyone to be banned, you might ask yourself what have you done
to contribute to helping others on the list.

Come on guys.  Let's get back to the quiet, useful, educational
and pleasant list we have maintained till now. Blasting the
computer is a legitimate anger releasing exercise.  Blasting
others is not; on this list.


Lee Chuntao wrote:
therotically we can learn everything from the manual.
in this regard, the list is needless
i think the answer of the type nick gave me should be band.
1 can answer my question in detail, or don't bother to answer.


Marcello Pagano
Biostatistics Department Tel: 1-617-432-4911
Harvard School of Public Health Fax: 1-617-739-1781
655 Huntington Avenue email:[email protected]
Boston, MA 02115

eppur si muove

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