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Re: st: list in stata8

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: list in stata8
Date   Thu, 27 Feb 2003 14:27:49 -0600

Edwin Leuven <[email protected]> and others have discussed their
preference for the old behavior of the -list- command.  StataCorp
is listening.  We see that

    - speed of listing,
    - old style output,
    - and/or minimal typing

are issues for some Stata users, while others are happy with the
new behavior of -list-.

Alan Riley <[email protected]> and Nick Cox <[email protected]>
point out that you can create your own personal ado file that
performs -list- with combinations of the options -nocompress-,
-clean-, and possibly -separator(0)- to obtain desired results.
However, to make it even easier for you, our plan is

    1) leave Stata 8 -list- as is.  Several other official Stata
       commands rely on the new prettier output of -list- in
       order to display their output, and many users prefer the

    2) in the next executable update provide two helper commands

       -flist- with minimal abbreviation -fl- that provides a
       "fast list"

       -clist- with minimal abbreviation -cl- that provides a
       "clean list"

So, for those needing speed or different format, you would type
-fl- or -cl- instead of -l-.

Feel free to contact me with your comments on this matter.

Ken Higbee    [email protected]
StataCorp     1-800-STATAPC

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