Sanz De Galdeano, Anna
> I have a numeric variable which takes, for instance, values like:
> 1017
> 273076
> 518097
> 3046
> As you see, all these numbers have one thing in common: the
> third difit
> starting from the right is always 0. That 0 should not be
> there and I want
> to get rid of it so that my numeric variable looks like:
> 117
> 27376
> 51897
> 346
> I think I could get what I want by using decode to transfor
> my numeric
> variable into a string variable and then use some of the
> string functions
> and/or some of the egen options for strings.
> I guess (although I did not work it out) I could also use
> an algorithm. But
> I have run into similar problems in the past and I would
> like to know
> whether there is any stata routine that can be used
> (something similar to
> what the string functions do, but for numeric varriables
> instead) to get the
> desired result faster.
Your last two digits are
and the rest of the number is
100 * int(myvar/1000)
so everything is
100 * int(myvar/1000) + mod(myvar,100)
Another way to do it
but that assumes that "0" occurs just once.
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