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st: problem with outreg not recognizing some regressors

From   "Pezzini,S (pgr)" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: problem with outreg not recognizing some regressors
Date   Wed, 26 Feb 2003 18:18:18 -0000

Dear Stata-listers,

I am using outreg to obtain an output table in Stata 7, Windows.
I am running four ordered probit regressions on 340,000 obs. The command has worked up to a point, and then suddenly not anymore. It started failing to recognize some regressor names there are indeed present in the regression.
I have tried to see if I could have it working again by: removing labels; initiating a new table for the four regressions; initiating a new table in each outreg line; dropping names it could not recognize one by one; avoiding using the xi way of generating dummies and generating them manually instead; removing the regressor "_Icoh*" (which captures cohort dummies) which has worked up to a point but then stopped being recognized as well; but Stata always ended up not recognizing another regressor. I have also re-installed outreg to the latest version, but the problem persists.  
My command lines are the following:

xi: oprobit y perinc x  z a_tw3 ctr_m3 a_cm3 male dun dself ret home school age sqage ledu hedu mar def /* 
*/ sep div wid tmid tlarge child1 child2 child3 i.cohort n_* i.year 

outreg perinc x  z a_tw3 ctr_m3 male dun dself ret home school age sqage ledu hedu mar def sep div wid tmid /*
*/ tlarge child1 child2 child3  _Icoh* using "path\micro.out", bracket coefastr 10pct replace

xi: oprobit y  perinc x  z a_tw3 ctr_m3 a_cm3 male dun dself ret home school age sqage ledu hedu mar def /*
*/ sep div wid tmid tlarge child1 child2 child3 i.cohort n_* i.year , cluster(ccode) 

outreg perinc x  z a_tw3 ctr_m3 male  dun dself ret home school age sqage ledu hedu mar def sep div wid tmid /*
*/ tlarge child1 child2 child3  _Icoh* using "path\micro.out", bracket coefastr 10pct append

xi: oprobit y  perinc x  z a_tw3  ctr_m3 a_cm3 dun dself ret home school age sqage ledu hedu mar def /*
*/ sep div wid tmid tlarge child1 child2 child3 i.cohort n_* i.year , cluster(ccode) 

outreg perinc x  z a_tw3 ctr_m3 male dun dself ret home school age sqage ledu hedu mar def sep div wid tmid /*
*/ tlarge child1 child2 child3  _Icoh* using "path\micro.out", bracket coefastr 10pct append

xi: oprobit y  perinc x  z a_tw3  ctr_m3 a_cm3 male dun dself ret home school age sqage ledu hedu mar def /*
*/ sep div wid tmid tlarge child1 child2 child3 partial i.cohort n_* i.year , cluster(ccode) 

outreg perinc x  z a_tw3 ctr_m3 male dun dself ret home school age sqage ledu hedu mar def sep div wid tmid /*
*/ tlarge child1 child2 child3 partial  _Icoh* using "path\micro.out", bracket coefastr 10pct append

and the error message is:

"dself not found in regression coefficients". If I eliminate "dself" from outreg, it is going to be the turn of "dun", and then so on with another regressor. 
I can't understand what exactly is causing the problem and thus how to fix it. Are there some limits on outreg that I do not know of?

Thank you very much for any help you may give.

Silvia Pezzini
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