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RE: st: -regplot- updated for Stata 8 on SSC

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: -regplot- updated for Stata 8 on SSC
Date   Tue, 18 Feb 2003 14:35:44 -0000

Fred Wolfe
> I am having trouble posting to the list because of an 
> address problem. But 
> I would raise one issue that I think is important.
> Here's what happens if I update your command.
> If I tell my fellows who are using version 7 to use 
> regplot, I presume it 
> crashes because it is now version 8. My ado files are used 
> by version 7 and 
> 8. In addition, version 8 is so intolerably slow that I 
> find myself typing 
> -version7- to get graphs that are not available by gr7. It 
> would be nice if 
> Stata offered us the ability -set graphv7- while otherwise 
> running in v8.
> Maybe you might consider in your next updates adding a 7 to 
> older files and 
> changing -graph- to gr7.

The issues here were discussed in my posting last Friday, 
and in some previous postings. 

There are several ways to handle this problem 
and the one I have chosen is driven partly by 
my own convenience -- but not only. 

1. -regplot7- is indeed now available from -ssc inst regplot- 
for those still using Stata 7. It is just the old -regplot- 
renamed. This is flagged in the package write-up. Your fellows 
may use that. You may use that for speed. This is dead code 
so far as I am concerned, although any who find it useful
are welcome. 

2. Rewriting these programs is more than just changing the 
graphics calls, in exactly the same way that the new graphics 
is not a one-to-one translation of the old. Many small and 
large details are changed. Indeed "update" is here 
understatement in some cases. The syntax and functionality 
also differ in various ways. In the case of -regplot-, the 
previous version carried a -separate()- option; in the latest, 
for various reasons, this is dropped. Such differences need 
not rule out, absolutely, the code for two versions co-existing
within the same .ado file, and that's often a very good idea 
indeed. Nor does it rule out the help for two versions 
co-existing within the same .hlp file. However, I judge that the 
latter could be very confusing, and that alone determines
the matter so far as I am concerned. 

[email protected] 
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