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st: RE: Questions about Stata 8 SE under Windows

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Questions about Stata 8 SE under Windows
Date   Thu, 13 Feb 2003 20:51:02 -0000

Sayer, Bryan
> I've just gotten Stata 8 SE installed, and I've run into a 
> few questions
> that I'm not finding answers to:
> 3.  Is there a list (or a way to get a list) for the 
> archives at SSC of
> modules that are new or updated for Stata 8?

I tried searching for "Stata 8" on SSC itself, but I 
couldn't get much joy. This idea is a little better:

1. quietly call -ssc whatsnew- 
2. extract the names of packages revised in last month 
3. -ssc desc- on each one. 

This is like the newspaper: it doesn't do anything for you
unless you skim through what is printed for what you want. 

program sscnewspaper 
	version 8 
	tempfile myfile 
	qui ssc whatsnew, saving(`"`myfile'"') type  
	tempname in
	file open `in' using `"`myfile'"', r
	file read `in' line
	while r(eof) == 0 {
		if index(`"`line'"', "{net") { 
			local pos = index(reverse(`"`line'"'),":") 
			local pkg = substr(`"`line'"',-`pos'+1,`pos'-2)
			if substr("`pkg'",1,3) != "SSC" { 
				local pkgs "`pkgs' `pkg'" 
		file read `in' line
	file close `in'
	foreach p of local pkgs { 
		ssc desc `p' 

In practice, going back a month misses one trivial 
package new for Stata 8, as of today. 

[email protected] 
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