Thanks to Kit Baum, various packages of mine
have been added to SSC or updated recently thereon.
new: -ciplot-
Trailed yesterday in a thread started by George
Hoffman. Requires Stata 8. Plots the results of
calls to -ci-. Vertical and horizontal displays
are possible for one or more variables, optionally
subdivided by a grouping variable.
new: -selectvars-
Generalisation and improvement of some code
posted in response to a question by Jun Xu.
Requires Stata 8. Yields tuples from a varlist
so that some other code can loop through them.
revised: -stylerules-
A .hlp file only, pontificating about Stata
programming style. Requires Stata 7. Updated
mostly to reflect changes in Stata 8.
revised: -pairplot-, -skewplot-
Various graphics add-ons. Require
Stata 8. Small improvements and/or bug fixes
since first public releases.
revised: -ciw- and -cij-
Binomial confidence intervals for proportions
using Wilson scores and Jeffreys prior.
Requires Stata 7. Changes to help files only
(but an important extra reference to
To install <pkg> in an up-to-date Stata,
. ssc inst <pkg>
. ssc inst <pkg>, replace
as appropriate.
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