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st: RE: RE: RE: oneway graph

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: RE: oneway graph
Date   Mon, 10 Feb 2003 19:54:11 -0000

> In playing around, I tried
> . scatter rep78 mpg, yscale(reverse) jitter(1)
> and I get no data points shown.
> ??? Anyone confirm that? Able to explain it?

Lee Sieswerda

> I can confirm your observation, and maybe sort of explain 
> it. Apparently,
> when using the -yscale(reverse)- option with -jitter-, all 
> of the y-values
> are recoded to zeroes. Try the same command you had trouble 
> with, but add
> the -ylab- option and you'll see everything clustered on 
> y=0. You couldn't
> see any data because by default your yscale ended at 1.
> scatter rep78 mpg, jitter(1) yscale(reverse) ylab(0(1)7)
> This is probably a bug that needs to be fixed.

So that's they were hiding. 

Where have all the data gone?
Gone to zeros, ev'ry one. 
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?

-- folk song not known in Texas? 

[email protected] 
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