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st: infile - multiple lines

From   "Boylan, Richard" <>
To   "''" <>
Subject   st: infile - multiple lines
Date   Sun, 9 Feb 2003 11:44:55 -0600


I am trying to enter the area resource file (arf) in stata.

The data is in fixed format, but each observations spans
multiple lines.  Also, the observations seem to split different
across lines. So, the first observation may start in row 1 column 1, while
the second observation may start in row 8 column 6.

The sas code that comes with it looks
like this:

 @00001    f00001	$  01.	/*Blank 			      */
 @00002    f00002	   05.	/*Header - Mod FIPS St & Cty Code     */
@31660    f0098573    02.	/*Crop Season Span		      */
@31662    f00547	$  01.	/*************			      */

Any suggestions of how to read this data using STATA?



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