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st: RE: parentheses don't balance?

From   "Steichen, Thomas" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: parentheses don't balance?
Date   Fri, 7 Feb 2003 13:51:07 -0500

Christopher W. Ryan writes in part:
> Stata 8 on Win98, freshly updated. 
> The following command was generated by using the overlaid 
> twoway graph dialogue box, using the sysuse auto data.  
> It yielded an error message: "parentheses do not balance"
> I count 21 parentheses in each direction, ie 21 pairs.
> Am I missing something?

It seems so... in the example you showed (reproduced below),
in the last line for option -order-, there is a missing quote
mark that causes the last two parentheses to be lost.  This is
why you get the error message. 
> And how could a command generated by a dialogue box (that is, 
> by Stata itself) have an error in the parentheses?  I didn't 
> type them in. Must mean there is something wrong with the 
> way the dialogue box works?

This could occur if you manually typed the "insides" of the -order-
option (i.e., the '1 "domestic 2 "foreign"' part) so that it passed
inappropriate information to the command processor.


> twoway (scatter mpg weight if foreign==0, msymbol(square) msize(medsmall) 
> mcolor("255 0 0") mlabel(rep78)) (scatter mpg weight if foreign==1, msymbol(x) 
> mcolor("0 0 255") mlabel(rep78)), ytitle(miles per gallon, color("0 0 128")) 
> xtitle(weight, color("0 0 128")) title(Mileage for Weight, size(medium)) 
> subtitle(By country of origin, size(small)) caption(Stata fictional data) 
> note(February 2003) legend(on colfirst order(1 "domestic 2 "foreign"))

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