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Re: st: resetting of Variables window / Review window

From   Buzz Burhans <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: resetting of Variables window / Review window
Date   Tue, 04 Feb 2003 17:48:12 -0500

On a similar note, is it possible to disable the Review window (Stata 8) from resetting to the bottom after selecting and re-entering a command from much earlier in the list? This would make resubmitting a series of commands much easier, and it is not uncommon that I want to rerun a series of earlier commands rather than an individual command.


Buzz Burhans
Department of Animal Science
Cornell University

At 05:01 PM 2/4/03 -0500, you wrote:

Hi all:
I guess this is a question for StataCorp more than list members, but maybe
others have noticed the same behaviour.

When using the -svytab- command, the output is always longer than one "page"
of the Results window, you see --more--, and you have to click the spacebar
to allow the output to continue. Use of the -ci- option causes the Variables
window to "reset" itself to the top of the list of variables. I can guess
that this is because of some temporary variables that are created at the
bottom of the variable list. Nevertheless, this is quite irritating if you
have a long list of variables as you have to continually scroll through the
Variable window to find the set you were working on. For some reason, the
behaviour can be short-circuited by -set more off-, but I generally like to
keep -more- on. I haven't noticed the behaviour in any other command but
-svytab- and only then if I use the -ci- option. So, the question is: can
this be fixed?


Lee Sieswerda, Epidemiologist
Thunder Bay District Health Unit
999 Balmoral Street
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Canada  P7B 6E7
Tel: +1 (807) 625-5957
Fax: +1 (807) 623-2369
[email protected]

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