I assume that this question is answered in the new graphics manual,
but unfortunately my copy has not yet arrived (it was just ordered),
and so I hope you'll forgive the question. I have been putting
together a few customized schemes for specific types of work that I
frequently do, and based on the schemes in the distribution the
syntax seems pretty straightforward and easy to work with. One thing
I haven't been able to figure out, however, is how to control the
left and top margins of a graph when it is printed. I used to do
this under Stata 7 with commands of the form:
translator set gph2ps lmargin 0.75
translator set gph2ps tmargin 1.10
Despite several attempts, however, I have been unable to translate
these into a form which is acceptable within the context of a scheme.
If anyone has already dealt with this issue in Stata 8 and can give
me a hint, I'd be most grateful.