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st: Construct a "Reference" out of 30 Groups

From   Tianfu Wang <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Construct a "Reference" out of 30 Groups
Date   Fri, 31 Jan 2003 14:59:43 -0600 (CST)

Hello everyone,

    I have a question on STATA.  The specific is like this.  We have 30+
countries, in each of which we have same questions on individual sexual
well being.  Now, we want to compare to see if these countries differ in
some of the measures (e.g., prevalence of STDs).

    I know a little bit that the dstdize command in STATA does the
weighting and standardization for each individual countries.  However, We
also want to construct a hypothetical "average country" that shows the
average prevalence of these countries as a whole so that we can compare
each individual country against this "reference country."  So the
question is about how does STATA handle this kind of pooling effect or

    If anyone can point me to a specific book, STATA command or a place
(e.g., website), that will be of great help.

				Best and thanks,
				Tianfu Wang
				Department of Sociology
				University of Chicago

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