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Re: st: RE: Re: -db- suggestion

From   Chinh Nguyen <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Re: -db- suggestion
Date   Wed, 29 Jan 2003 16:24:35 -0600

On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 03:38  PM, David Moore wrote:

The best model for this that I have run across is in SPSS's stat package.
If the folks at Stata are not familiar with its "personality," they owe it
I'm not familiar with SPSS but what you're describing sounds much like what Stata currently does except for directly paste. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding?

to themselves to take a look. Briefly, SPSS (which began life as a
completely command driven app and still has capabilities that cannot be
accessed via dialog boxes) uses dialog boxes that contain a
submit/paste/cancel trio of buttons; clicking on any of these dismisses the
Clicking OK submits the command and closes the dialog.

Clicking Submit submits the command without closing the dialog.

Cancel of course closes the dialog without submitting the command.

dialog box; regardless of which button you click, the dialog box always
remembers all of its control's values; any time a dialog box reappears, the
controls show you the values you last input; a journal file maintains a
Stata does this too. If you fill out a dialog, click OK or Submit and then Cancel, the next time you bring up the dialog, it remembers all of its control's values.

running record of every command submitted (whether or not it originated from
a dialog box), which you can open in any text editor; the output window also
can be asked to record the commands. All of these features provide a
Maybe I'm missing something but Stata does this too and some of it is not new to Stata 8. All submitted commands show up in the Review window which you can copy to the Do-file Editor or save to a do-file (right-click on the window for a contextual menu). You can of course start a log and you can even start a command log.

-Chinh Nguyen
[email protected]

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