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Re: st: RE: -db- suggestion

From   Roger Harbord <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: -db- suggestion
Date   Wed, 29 Jan 2003 19:32:37 -0000

--On 29 January 2003 14:02 -0500 Nick Winter <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Roger Harbord [mailto:[email protected]]
At the moment in Stata 8.0 :

. db

 - without any arguments gives an error.  Does anyone else
think it would
be great if it brought up the last dialog box instead?
(Sometimes the name of this is is  not quite the same as the
name of the
last command, e.g. -db ttestby- is not the same as -db
ttest-, which gives
you a list to choose from in the Viewer - I'd wish to always
get the last
dialog box straight away.)
I've continued to avoid db's, so I can't speak to the utility of this
generally, but it sounds useful to me.

Alternatively, some way of stopping the dialog box closing
when you click
'OK' - I know X-Windows has pushpins that do this, but I
think maybe in MS
Windows dialog boxes either always close on OK or always
don't ?? - the
latter means you can easily end up with far too many dialog
boxes around at
the same time  (anyone else used Genstat for Windows?).
I believe that the "Submit" button - as opposed to "OK" - is what you
want here.
Quite right, I really should have noticed that before! Doesn't get around the problem when you think you've filled in everything in the dialog box to get what you want, click 'OK' then discover the results aren't quite what you wanted after all, so my first suggestion still stands.

A "Paste" addition -- which would put the command into the

doeditor, rather than submitting it to stata directly, might be useful
Yes, I seem to remember that other stats package I mentioned had some sort of 'syntax only' option in the preferences so that _all_ dialog boxes then just put the resulting command into the 'Input Log' without actually executing it. In Stata, the do-file editor would probably be the best place as Nick W suggests (except for those of us who prefer using other text editors - I would suggest it might go into the Review window but it seems you still can't copy directly from there unfortunately... probably another limitation of Windoze..?)


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